This is a single visit where fetal monitoring is completed in a calm comfortable environment. This service is ideal for anyone wanting additional peace of mind or those who are high risk, or beyond their due date requiring additional fetal monitoring advised by their medical provider. A nonstress test is typically completed in 30 minutes, however this is also dependent upon baby/babies cooperation. Always eat a meal and hydrate well before fetal monitoring begins. You are welcome to bring guests to enjoy this experience with you.
No order is needed if this is an elective assessment for your own knowledge
If this exam is at the request of your medical provider please send the order to or fax to 913.543.4810.
A NST is a noninvasive prenatal test that monitors a baby's heart rate, rhythm, accelerations and decelerations. It's often performed after 28 weeks of gestation and can be done separately or in combination with a BPP/Biophysical profile to assess baby's wellbeing. The test can indicate if the baby (or babies) is getting enough oxygen or experiencing fetal distress, however cannot identify the cause of such issues.
While sitting or laying down, two external monitors are placed on the maternal abdomen to assess uterine activity and fetal heart rate. The exam takes 20-60 minutes with the goal to achieve at least 2 accelerations (heart rate increases) in a 20 minute time frame. Depending on baby's activity level this can shorten or extend the time needed to complete the exam. Please ensure you are well hydrated and have eaten before you arrive for the NST as this too can effect the exam. Monitoring should not be scheduled during baby's typical "nap time" as this may take longer to complete or give false results.
Once the NST is complete, Labored With Love will inform you of the findings. A reactive NST is considered a pass and there are no current signs of fetal distress noted. A Nonreactive NST is considered a fail and further assessment of fetal wellbeing will be determined by your provider. We will send results to your primary pregnancy provider who will be in charge of the next steps in your plan of care.